Compensation cable AGL Typ K LI2GGLS

Изображение кабеля Compensation cable AGL Typ K LI2GGLS Faber Кabel

Compensation cable AGL Typ K LI2GGLS


Compensation cable is used to transmit the thermal voltage from NiCr/Ni thermo elements. It is suitable for flexible use and fixed installation in dry environments. The galvanized steel wire mesh serves as mechanical protection.


Customs Tariff Number (code number) 85444995900000000
Specification/Standard DIN IEC 584
Conductor construction 19 x 0,32
Conductor material Ni/CrNi
Conductor construction strand, 19-wired construction
Insulation silicone rubber
Material inner sheath silicone rubber
Armour steel wire braid, galvanized
Covering braided glass fibres
Insulation/sheath colour wh(-)/gn(+)/gn
Operating temperature 0 - 180 °C
Permitted outer cable temperature, fixed, °C -60 - +180 °C
Permitted outer cable temperature, moved, °C -5 - +180 °C
Nominal voltage U 48 V
Core diameter 1.6 mm
Insulation wall thickness 0.6 mm
outer diameter approx. 9.30 mm
net weight per 1000 82 kg
Unit of measurement metre


Compensation cable is used to transmit the thermal voltage from NiCr/Ni thermo elements. It is suitable for flexible use and fixed installation in dry environments. The galvanized steel wire mesh serves as mechanical protection.
Артикул Типоразмер кабеля
071199 Li2GGLS 2X1.5 NiCr/Ni WH/GN
Логотип компании FABER Kabel